Wednesday 12 September 2007


The joy of singing in Bhagwan's praise is infinity times better than listening to any other music that has no element of remembering GOD in it.

Have a sing along at this Wonderfull Prabhatya Kirtan from the most renound poet; Premanand Swami;

Raag: Vibhas Prabhati

Shoha saagar shyam tamaari moorti pyari re, morrti pyari re nakhu maara praan vaari re...shobha...1
Soondarta joi mookhni sashi soor lajaai re, mookh dekhadi nav shakya vasya gagan jai re...shobha...2
Maan hariyu manidhar nu shikha kesh kaade re, avani upar rahi na shakya gayaa patad re...shobha...3
Chanchar lochan joie lajja pamya teen re, khanjan kurang van vasya jade budya meen re...shobha...4
Chaal chatuirai joine gaj kare dhikkar re, Premanand kahe sheer naakhe dhood varamvaar re...shobha...5

Note: Concentrate on the words of this kirtan and see if you can tell me the meaning...i will post it soon..but you have to try first...Jay Shree Swaminarayan

Ram bhaje so sab me bhala hai, nahi kul unch nich ko kaaran, jo jal ukhar gung mila hai..Ram...1

Sajana hasna kahakul sundar, jaat kabira pragat jala hai, gotakha uttam ghani kaako, param suhagan bheibhingala hai...Ram...2

Kahakul uttam sabari kubja, gaj gidhan ki pragat vala hai, japu nahi adhikar shrutiko, vrajvanita ki yeh shyam bala hai...Ram...3

Bali Prahalad Vibhishan aadi, Kapi Hanumant Sugreev kala hai, aise hi sab santan ki jaati, hoie haridaas hi aas kalaa hai...Ram...4

Soi kul uch saras sab hise, Prabhu charanan se chitva chalaa hai, Bhramanand jaan ur antar, pakadya haath Shree Naath pala hai...Ram...5

Here is another one to tingle your mind...this is a very powerfull kirtan if you understand the words and take it in your heart....This kirtan is available to listen @ , click on Bhajan Sarita,
Track 4 Ram Bhajeso


Unknown said...

Theres a leela where Brahmanand Swami was at a singing competition and he pointed out a very huuuge mistake in all the kavis poems/songs. That was that no song refered to Bhagwan nor praised Him.

Gaavama Anand joi to Bhagwan na kirtano maj male

Jay Shree Swaminarayan said...

This is very true Umang bhai...if you listen to a Hindi song which obviously go on about people not living without each other and dying in each others agony...why cannot people say the same thing for GOD...Kirtans show the path to the love for GOD and there are so many categories...Vairag (Dettachment), Bhakti (Love), Updesh (Teachings) etc...All this in praise of God...then why people listen to other songs??